rise slowly.

A peak intensity of 2.5 mr/hr was reached at 2130 hours, and

then subsided.

3 July 1958 Fallout
On 3 July 1958, following an event at Bikini Atoll, the background at Site

Nan began to rise after a rainshower at 1500 hours, The background rose from
4mr/hr at 1500 hours to 12 mr/hr at 1645 hours, and then began to decline, as

0300 hours July4......
1200 hours July4...
1000 hours July5..


. 5 mr/hr

... . 3mr/hr

1 mr/hr

13 July 1958 Fallout
On 13 July 1958 a slight rise in the background and the continuous air

monitor was noticed at 0030 hours at Eniwetok Atoll.

The background monitor

reached a high of 1.8 mr/hr and the air monitor showed 20, 000 c/m at 0345
hours and then declined to 1.5 mr/hr and 2000 c/m at 0630 hours,


18 July 1958 Fallout
At 1420 hours,

18 July 1958, the background monitor at the Site Elmer

Rad-Safe Center began to rise sharply.

At 1430 hours the background had

risen to 20 mr/hr and reached a peak intensity of 34 mr/hr at 1449 hours.
The increase in background was noticed shortly after rain began to fall,


other rain squall started at 1452 hours and the background intensity dropped

sharply and continued to decrease to 0.3 mr/hr at 1630 hours.
A survey of Site Elmer showed intensities up to 4 mr/hr at 1530 hours,
The tent areas showed readings of 3 mr/hr and the interiors of the tents showed

Select target paragraph3