The air filter tape was removed from the continuous air monitor,


2-inch diameter samples were cut from the tape at areas of maximum radiation intensity, as indicated by the recorder chart.

These samples also were

sent to Site Nan for counting, due to the high background at Site Elmer.
A fallout tray was placed outside the Rad-Safe Center at 1500 hours,
15 May, and samples were collected at 1400 hours,

17 May. The initial gross

beta count, at 1600 hours, was 165, 000 d/m/m? and was taken with a GeigerMuller counter (Tracerlab Inc, ) and a model CP-139/PD decimal scaler (Berkeley Instrument Corp).
Figure 5.2 represents the fallout tray sample decay curve.
The emergency evacuation procedures were not implemented, as potential radiation dose savings to personnel did not warrant a long period evacuation.

Air and ground radiation intensities were equal and dose rates virtually

were the same inside and outside the buildings.

28 June 1958 Fallout

On 28 June 1958 a shot was detonated at Eniwetok Atoll at 0630 hours.
Rain started at 1600 hours and continued for approximately three hours.

background at Site Elmer at waist level was 0.7 mr/hr.


A puddle of water be-

hind the Rad-Safe Center showed a radiation intensity of 2 mr/hr.

Rain sam-

ples collected at 1630 and 1830 hours showed beta intensities of 600 d/m/ml
and 17,000 d/m/ml, respectively.

29 June 1958 Fallout
On 29 June 1958 a shot was detonated at Bikini Atoll at 0730 hours,


1945 hours it began to rain and the background intensity at Site Nan began to

Select target paragraph3