2. Provide all structures and related facilities required by the Scientific
Task Group for the successful execution of the scientific experiments.

Provide personnel, equipment.and materials to support the Scientific

Fask Group in its on-site operational activities.

4, Maintain all base facilities at the Pacific Proving Ground except for
the military communications facilities at Eniwetok Island and Bikini

Provide camp and support facilities at the proving ground, incliding

housing, feeding, laundry, medical, recreational and other camp serv-

ices on all islands except Eniwetok; land transportation and motor _
pool operation; boat pool operation; utilities operations except military communication facilities on Eniwetok Island and Bikini Atoll and
the POL farm on Eniwetok Island; and warehousing and property accounting for Task Groups 7.5 and 7.1, as requested.

6. Provide for radiological safety of TG 7.1 and 7.5 personnel in periods

between operations.


Formulate and operate a comprehensive security programto cover
AEC interest during non-operational: periods, and during operations
to provide at the proving ground security servicing for AEC, AEG
contractor components,.and TG 7.1, in coordination with the staff of

JTF SEVEN and AEC, Washington.
The Task Group 7.5 headquarters organization was comprised of personnel assigned from various offices and divisions of the SFOO and certain key
men of Holmes & Narver, Inc. For Operation CASTLE, Task Group 7.5 was
organized along military lines. Staff positions were filled by AEC personnel,
and the line organization closely followed the normal organizational pattern
of the Contractor and was completely manned by Holmes & Narver employees.
Coincident with the transfer of AEG authority to the CJTF 7, TG 7.5 became

ope rational and the regular duties of its personnel were adapted to Task Group

Upon termination of the operational period these people reverted

to their normalduties, and concluding operational activities of the Task Group
were handled through AEC channels.

For Operation CASTLE,the Com-

mander, TG 7.5, was the Director, Office of Test Operations, SFO, and his
deputy was the Field Manager, Eniwetok Field Office, SFO.

A chartzof TG

7.5: organization for CASTLE is depicted on Figure 4.

A statement of functions assigned to TG 7.5 is attached as Appendix A.

Select target paragraph3