specifically charged the Commander with:

Technical responsibility for all phases of the Operation.


The safety of personnel and units assigned to the JTF.



Advising the appropriate Commanders under the JCS of the special

hazards and danger areas involved in tests and appropriate precautions to insure the safety of units other than the JTF.

Acting as agent for the AEC for the exercise of such functions on behalf of the Commission as the latter may deem necessary.

On 15 December 1953, the AEC withdrew from the Manager, Santa Fe
Operations Office (SFOO) and assigned to the CJTF 7 full authority to act
for the Commission in all matters which concerned the successful execution
of the Task Force Operation Plan. It should be noted, however, that the
CASTLE construction program was about 85% complete at this time. The 15

December date also marked the beginning of the CASTLE operational period
which continued until 2 June 1954, at which time all AEC vested authority
was relinquished by the CJTF 7.

During periods between operations the

authority of the CJTF, insofar as AEC functions are concerned, is limited
to operational planning and coordination, Organizational and command relations in effect both prior to and during the operational period are depicted
on Figure 2 and Figure 3 respectively.
In off-continent test operations prior to CASTLE, the AEC functions of
engineering design, construction, operations and support have been performed
by a Task Unit within the organizational structure of the Scientific Task Group.
In order that the responsibilities for AEC functions might be more clearly
identified and the position of the AEC in the. Task Force organization more

postively established, it was recommended that the AEC component of the
Task Force be given Task Group status. On 26 February 1953, the Director,

Division of Military Application (DMA), AEC, formally requested the CJTF7

to organize the AEC Base Facilities Task Group. In making this request, the
DMA accepted certain conditions, among which was the requirement that the
CJTF, in accomplishment of his scientific mission, would control and direct

the activities of the Scientific and Base Facilities Task Groups through his
Scientific Deputy. Task Group 7.5 was formally activated on 4 March 1953.
The mission of Task Group 7.5 is to:

1. Provide all base facilities at the Pacific Proving Ground necessary
to the Task Force and AEC and its contractors in the conduct of test

Select target paragraph3