permit issued to a discharger by the Environmental Protection Arency
or by a state

under an approved

402 of the water act


agSputhorized by Section

(33 USC 1342), or byLocal. Sovernment to

ensure compliance with pretreatment reguddtions as required by
Section 307 of the water act (33 USC 1317).

the term "compliance" means compliance with clean air or water
standards. Compliance shall also mean compliance with a schedule or

plan ordered or approved by a court of compévent jurisdiction,
Environmental Protection Agency,


or au alxor water pollution contzol,

agency in accordance with the requirementyof the air act or water
act and regulations issued pursuant thereto.


The term "facility" means any building, plan 4,installation, structure

_ mine, vessel, or other floating craft, eea Or site of operation:
owned, leased, or supervised by a contracto¥, subcontractor, to be
utilized in: the performance of a contract or subcontract.
Where a

location or site of operations contains or inclu


than one

building, plant, installation, or structure, théentigh locatioa
shall be deemed to be a facility except vhereck e DRector, Offices
of Federal Activities, Environmental Protection Agency, determines
that independent facilities are colocated in one geographical area.




Select target paragraph3