
conviction under the Clean Air Act (42 USC
Moote) (1)) or the Fede
Pollution Control Act (33 USC 1319(c)) and Listed by EPA, or the sub
‘is not otherwise exempt.)


The subcontractor agrees as follows:

Tec comply with all the requirements of Section 114 of the Clean Air
Act, as amended (42 USC 1857, et saq., asgamended by Public Law
91-604), and Section 303 of the Federal GSrer Pollution Control Act
(33 USC 1251, as amended by Public Law §7-500) , respactively, relarang to inspection, monitoring, entry, réports, and intormation, as
well as other requirements specified in Section 114 and Section 30%



of the air act and the water act,

respectively and all regulaciozs

‘and guidelines issued thereunder before the dard of this sudtontrac


That no portion of the work required by this subcontract will be
performed in a facility listed on the Environmental Protection
Agency list of violating facilities on the aete when this sudcontract was awarded unless and until the EPApolininates the nace of

such facility or facilities from such Listng.


To use his best efforts to comply with cled@air standards and cleaa


water standards at the facilities



in which


wthe subcontraccr is belag


To insert the substance of the provisions of@yhis Article in 2av

nonexempt lower-tier subcontract, including

this paragreth (4).

The terms used in this Article have the following Aganings:




The term “air act” means the Clean Air Act,Qis amended (42 USC 1857
et seq., as amanded by Public Law 91-604).
The term "water act'' means Federal Water poffution Control Act, as


(33 USC 1251 et seq., as amended i Public Law 52-399).

The term "clean air standards" means any

7)eceable rules, recula-

guidelines, standards, Timitationgs orders, conirsls, proki

bitions, or other requirements which areCkontained in, issued undas,
or otherwise adopted pursuant to the air act or Executive Crder

11738, an applicable implementation plan as described in Section
LlLOGd) of the Clean Air Act

(42 USC 1857c-5R4)) , an approved inpleman~

tation procedure or plan under Section 11].&) or Sectioa lli¢d),

respectively, of the air act (42 USC 185786 (c) or (d)), or ar
approved implemantation procedure under Section J12(d) of the air
act (42 USC 1857c-7(d)).

The torm "clean water standards" means /ahy enforceable linitatior,
control, condition, prohibition, standwdéd, or other reguirer
which is promulgated pursuant to the Qiter act or contained in. a




Select target paragraph3