15 Jun 84


The DO! formulates a four-atoll health care plan planned by the office of

territorial and international affairs (OTIA) and based onsite visits and consultation

with OTIA, DOE, DOD, and the USPHS.’
5 Jul 84

The DO! asks the DOE for advice on the resettlement of Eneu Island. The
DO! would like to determine if Eneu Island can be resettled before the trusteeship

20 Jul 84


In response to Sen. Anjain’s 31 May 1984 letter, Roger Ray writes RMI.
President Kabua that "the allegations regarding the actions of Mr. Harry Brown are
contradictory to my own observations, are in conflict with numerous complimentary
reports, including comments of officials of your government, and are unsupported by
specifics." Ray believes that "it would be regrettable if deserving people entitled to
DOEassistance under United States public law were denied such assistance because
of actions by those who, for whatever reason, seek to embarrass the Department of
Energy or its duly authorized program officials." Ray states that the DOE will
continueto deliver the services authorized by the U.S. Congress and will welcome the
advice, recommendations, and requests from the Marshall Islands government.“?

1 Aug 84

uaa Une DOEtransfers $4 million to the DOI! to fund the four-atoil health care


28 Aug 84







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Scientists’atta meeting ‘to review the dosimetrit.datafiom the:Marshall-islands

determine that’? Waukkbe unlikely: for:dn‘ Enetrresident;‘cormsuming!!a mix of-local
and importedfoods;te exceed: an exposure of500 mrem peér-year.” The participants
in the meeting include representatives from BNL, ORNL, tos Alamos National

Laboratory (LANL), NV, LLNL, and PNL“®

The PASO issues the Operations Plan, Mission Number 8, FY 1984, for a trip
to Bikini and Enewetak by the LLNL in September 1984 as part of their programs
involving the sampling, measurement, and cycling characteristics of radionuclides in

the soil, water, air, and biota.“


21 Sep 84

In a revision of a letter originally drafted by Roger Ray, DOI Secretary William
Clark asks DOE Secretary Hodelif Bikinians can return to Eneu Island before the
trusteeship ends.
In a draft of comments, the DOEoffice of policy, plans, and analysis (PE) staff
recommends noresettlement because the Bikinians have already been overexposed;
the Bikini resettlement doses have been repeatedly underestimated;dietary restrictions


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