

30 Mar 84


The President transmits the COFA to Congress.“™

1 May




The people ofBikini file a dass action suit against the executive branch of the
U.S. government. Theplaintiffs seek dedaratory and equitablerelief, the radiological
cleanup of Bikini Atoll, the restoration of the atoll to its former condition, and speedy
resettlement of the Bikini people to their atoll.“

3 May


DP’s role in the Marshall Islands Program includes: provision of medical
surveillance and care to persons accidentally exposed to radiation during the Castle
Bravo test, radiological studies of the environment and monitoring of the population
living on the atoils, and the logistical support of these two activities. The DO!is
developing the four-atoll health plan for submission to Congress. No DP funding is
involved in the development or implementation of the health plan.“

15 May 84

PASOissues the Operations Plan, Mission Number 7, FY 1984, for a June
1984 trip to Utirik, Rongelap and Enewetak as part of the bioassay program
conducted by BNL“”

25 May 84

| - ET. High Commissioner Janet J. McCoy expresses gratitude to Maj. Gen.
Wilfiat*W. Hoover, DOE deputy assistant secretary for military application, for
assistance: provided the F.3; administrationby Roget Hay" andi DOE ver‘thepast
three yeats, “éspetidliy’ during “humerouscriticat phases of theCorripacf of Free
Association approval process” before Congress.‘
Exceeding its mandate, the BNL conducts 434 complete medical examinations
of the Marshallese duringits visit to the Marshall Islands under P.L. 95-134, which
actually applies only to the 174 islanders affected by the 1954 Bravo fallout.“”

31 May 84


Marshall Islands Sen. Jeton Anjain informs W.J. Stanley of PASO that his

constituents "will not attend the Radiological Safety Program next time if Mr. Harry
Brown, DOE/PASO will accompany the Medical team to Rongelap, Majuro, and


(See 20 Jul 84 for the response to this letter.)

According to Anjain, the

Marshallese “feel that Mr. Harry Brown always treats them like they are animals,
every time he gives them little food he calls them as if they are chickens...“


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