13 May 82

Herman E. Roser; A.W. Trivelpiece, assistant secretary for ER; and Vaughn,
assistant secretary for EP, discuss the transfer of the Marshall Islands programs. ER’s
position is that although ER does not want to manage the programs, it will contribute
expertise and funding. Vaughn sees EP as an oversight office but does not have a
prepared position. Roser declares that EP has managed the programs poorly and that
if DP receives the programsit will establish immediately a headquarters task force to
determine future policy.“*

30 May 82

The United States and the Marshall Islands sign the Compact of Free
Association (COFA).**

Sep 82


NV issues Enewetak Radiological Support Project, Final Report, which
documents the technical and logistical accomplishments of the ERSP, directed by NV.
According to this paper, the ERSP gave DNA technical advice on the cleanup and

reported the final radiological condition of each of the atoll’s forty-three islets.“”

30 Sep 82


Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) issues Northern

islands Radiological Survey: Terrestrial Food Chain and Total Doses (1982 Report),
which is the official documentation of the radiation survey of the northern Marshall
Islands in 1978.“

1 Oct 82.2 0. OS
- The. U.S; and:the:Federated. States of: Micronesia_conclude a: Compact of Free-

Association’ andestablisht a relationship:.of -Free' Association: between: ‘the two
governments.h fed ce TE eis ae 9 eege ey

The-U.S:-and-the RMI sign an

ond IGE fron 2 0 oat

agreement concluded purseantto ‘section 234

of COFAthattransfers thetitles of lands owned but no longer needed by the U.S.

government to the governments of the Marshall Islands.‘
19 Oct 82

P.L. 97-357 amends P.L. 96-597 of 24 December 1980 by replacing the 1

October 1982 deadline with "by a date not later than ninety days following
termination of the trusteeship agreement governing the administration of the T.T. of
the Pacific Islands.“"'
28 Oct 82 - 5 Nov 82



On 28 October Herman E. Roser concurs with the transfer of Marshall Islands
programs and the Nevada Dose Reassessment effort from EP to DP with the
expectations that the FY 1983 and 1984 monies for these programs also will be
transferred to DP. On 5 November. William A. Vaughan, assistant secretary for

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