the DOE/NV organized and conducted the radiological survey of 288 islands in the
northern Marshalls as part of the DOE project. Recognizing that EP has been
responsible since 1977 for the Marshall Islands programs, Roser explains that, except
. for the professional medical responsibility, the technical resources currently in the
Marshall Islands are primarily weapons-related and are part of the Safeguard "°C"
program to maintain the capability to resume atmospheric testing. "In fact,” adds
Roser, "much of the field effort in the Marshall Islands is an exercise of the
expeditionary capability which is an important aspect of Defense Programs’ Safeguard
‘'C." Because most of the DOE logistic and support base “is common to the
Safeguard 'C’ readiness program,” DP should assume direction and control of the
DOE Marshall island activities, Roser condudes.“

25 Mar 82

Kris Morris reports that Herman E. Roser has signed the proposalto transfer
the Marshall islands program to DP. The only issue is one of where to locate the
program in DP: in program support (PS) or safety, environment, and emergency
actions (SEEA). Morris recommendsthat the program be placed in PS. She does not
foresee the need for additional staff because the bulk of the work is.done in NV and
the Pacific Area support office (PASO).

Apr 82


Dr. Charles W. Edington, associate director of the DOE OHER, calls thelinking
of Safeguard "C" to the Marshall Islands program "ludicrous." Edington drafts an issue
paper discussing the proposed transfer of the Marshall Islands program to DP. The
paper, which was never sent, concludes: DP does not have the medical or technical
staff to manage the program and an association of the health care and radiological
monitoring programs to the weapons program will destroy any pretense of objectivity.
OHERsees no point in continuing research at the Mid-Pacific Marine Laboratory. He
perceives this attempt as anothereffort to transfer management of the program to
NV.. Edington
recommends thatif EP. is unwilling: to“retain the ‘program: that-it be
transferred: to’ ERSEHER:instead“ot DP: Healso ‘acknowledges:the ‘differences of

opinionbetweeratieDOEand'NV onDOE'srole inthe Marshafftstarids: ' while the
DOE:maintainsiat ‘it is an-advisor fo'theDOVand the DOD;'NV"fias ted the

Marshalles#to béllevethat the DOE -Ras a greater‘resporisibifity than is the case.“
PPT Sa Ge eenete Te

14 Apr 82





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J. W. Thiessen, acting deputy associate director of EP, opposes the
recommendation of Roser to transfer the Marshall Islands program to DP. Thiessen
believes that Roser’s recommendation results from pressures from NV to take over
the policy direction of a program in which NV has had only logistic support
responsibility. According to Thiessen, DP also wants the program control in orderto
retain the Mid-Pacific Research Laboratory on Enjebi Island. Thiessen fears thatif the
program is transferred to DP, then headquarters would not be consulted adequately.
Moreover, Thiessen thinks that the DOE should close the Mid-Pacific Research
Laboratory because it has beeninactive for several year. He recommendsthat if EP
wishes to drop theprogram, then the Marshall Islands project should be transferred
back to his office.


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