the DOD’sparticipation in the Enewetak cleanup and the protective measures being
taken to protect those involved in cleanup activities.”
26-27-Apr 78

The Enewetak Advisory Group meets in Denver and decides that it is not
possible to develop reasonable cleanup guidance to assurethat future residents would
not receive radiation doses from transuranics that would significantly exceed proposed
EPA guidelines. They propose a standard of cleanupforall one-quarter or one-half
hectare areas exceeding 40 pCi/g of surface soils of village islands that should meet
EPA guidelines for the resulting doses in the bone and lung.”

May 78

Coconut, papaya, and breadfruit samples are collected from the Eneu test plot
to help assess the suitability of Eneu as a permanent residence for the Bikinians. The

LLL is in charge of analyzing the food samples.**

22 May 78
Oscar de Brum, District Administrator from the Marshall Islands, testifies

before the U.S. House Subcommittee on the Interior of the appropriations committee
that the only way to prevent the Bikinians from using coconuts from the island is to
remove the trees or remove the people. The DOI reports that the current Bikini

population will be moved from Bikini in 75 to 90 days.“

Jul 78


~* "ASpart of theMicronesia status negotiations Matthew. Nimetz, chair of the

establishes aMictonésia,Intétagency GrouipTask Force
on Claims’Issues"to. studyclaimsarising from U.S. nucléar ‘testing and related

activities intheMarshall Islands. . The task force ischaired bythe Office of
Mictonesia StatusNegotiations andcontains representativesfromthe Departments of

State, Defense; Energy, Interior, and Justice, and OMB.4


26 Jul 78

The aerial photographic mission, the first phase of the 13 Atoll Survey of the

northern Marshalls, begins. The DOE/DOES manages the survey and acts as
coordinator with Washington-level federal agencies. The manager, NV,is in charge

of logistics coordination for survey field operations; a technical director from LLL
rovides technical direction of aerial, terrestrial, and marine field operations and for

aboratory analysis and dose assessments. Contractors include BNL, University of

FOGuR 13

Washington, LLL, and EG&G."

Select target paragraph3