Bikini people to severalislands, islets, and land parcels in the trust territory public

domain and for $325,000 for those with rights in Bikini Atoll.’”°

27 Nov 56
The Advisory Committee on Biology and Medicine (ACBM) recommendsthat

the Rongelapese be returned to their islands. To avoid an appreciable genetic risk to
the U.S. population, the committee also recommends approval of a level of 10
roentgens in 10 years for criteria for off-site exposure to fallout for U.S. continental




Seven Marshall Islanders are brought to Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) for
tests to determine precise body burdens, including total body gamma activity.
Argonne scientists have not yet obtained complete test results, according to
information given at a JCAE hearing.
Dr. Robert A. Conard of BNL is responsible for annual medical surveys of the
6 Feb 57


The AEC/DBM director recommends the return of the Rongelapese to their
home as soon as rehabilitation is completed and the continuation of medical
inspections and radiation surveys on the island. He bases his recommendations on
projected statistics. Extrapolation of data suggests that gamma doses on Rongelap
“would notgreatly exceed (if at all)” 0.5 roentgens for the first year and would decline
in later years. The director compares these figures to those recommended by the
NCRP for adult workers of 0.3 roentgens per week with "a restriction and for
population as'a wholeof a total of 14 million rem per million of population" over the
first, 30. years’ of life. He also projects that the average concentration of strontium”
might be less than 360 Sunshine units and, with the elimination of land crabs, 107
Sunshine units. (A Sunshine unit equals 0.001 of the permissible body burden. The
National Academy of Sciences (NAS) allows 100 Sunshine units for adult workers.)'™'

The AEC division of military application (DMA) also accepts responsibility to
fund the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Rongelap at a projected cost of

21 Feb 57


The AEC approves the return of the Rongelapese to their home island as soon

as rehabilitation of the island is completed.'*
Prior to 27 May 57


The commanderof JTF-7 designates a representative for each off-site location
outside the PPG. The representative is responsible for the radiological safety of the


Select target paragraph3