presented within one year after the occurrence. As of this date, no claims have been
The houses built by H&N, an AEC contractor, on Ejit Island in Majuro Atoll,

are constructed so that the Rongelapese can remove them to their original homesites.
The AEC accepts responsibility for continued medical examinations of the
Rongelap people as a routine precautionary measure.
The AEC also assumes responsibility for periodic radiological resurveys of
Rongelap to determine when the inhabitants may return safely.
The AEC will pay for constructing an island communication system between
Kili and Jaluit and for family housing units on Jaluit so that Bikinians on Kili may fish
at the Jaluit lagoon.'”
8 and 18 Dec 54

AFL, NRDL, and AEC/DBMscientists collect samples and record radiation
levels at Rongelap Atoll."

25-30 Jan 55


The NRDL and AFL make the most extensive survey and biological collecting
trip to date for the AEC at Rongelap Atoll. The work reveals unsafe amounts of
radioactivity in shellfish and crabs, important in the peoples’ diets."
Feb 55


The AEC/DBMestablishes criteria and procedures deemed necessary to protect
the health and welfare’of the general populace from consequences of weapon tests
at the Nevada test site. The criteria are: up to 30 roentgens, no evacuation
indicated; 30-50 roentgens, evacuation only if 15 or more roentgens are saved; and
50 roentgensandhigher, evacuation without regard to the amount of the dose. The
procedures are: ‘thake roughestimates of radlatiotidoses béfore and after detonations
and then,take’ dose-rate’readings with survey meters, which are held three feet above


The NRDLcollects soil and biological samples in the Marshall Islands for a
radiological study.’

Mar 55


Most of the Rongelap natives appear "in excellent general health", according
to a medical recheck
Dr. Eugene P. Cronkite of BNL, Lt. Cmdr. Samuel D.
McPherson of Bethesda Naval Medical Hospital, and Dr. Charles L. Dunham, deputy
director of the AEC/DBM.'*
A resurvey of flora and fauna of the Marshall Islands by NRDL and AFL
reveals ‘significant amounts of radioactive contamination” in the animals, food plants,

water, and

soil samples one year after their contamination by fallout from Castle





Bravo. The U.S. NRDLfinds the highest concentrations of internally deposited activity
in marine specimens taken from the northern Rongelap lagoon.

Select target paragraph3