Ndve NUT SPeliL d IU UI Line FovItwiy Lilia UCU Fe UEEute gy we have far too many things going on right now to afford the time. My general thought is that we could have saved a lot of everybody's time if Bramlitt would have discussed this paper with us ahead of time like we asked him to if he were going to continue with it. He has misused data and made comparisons with a draft copy of our paper which had an error in one of the tables. This error was pointed out to those who had a need to know and were officially given the draft for review. I don't plan to spend any more time than I have reviewing the document but I hope my brief comments will be useful. Sinc > Wil L. Robison Section Leader Terrestrial & Atmospheric Sciences WLR/mt encl. cc J.A. Auxier J.-L. Deal C.W. Francis R.O Gilbert J.W. Healy R.O. McClellan V. Noshkin C.R . Richmond Ur ver sty Ot’ foe Pon fee S557 ee iets, Covciia vesse 1@eg hone {$18) 422-5764 FIL 532-5753 FIO SBE EGSa EEL UE ORNL DOE/HQ ORNL PNL LASL Lovelace Foundation LLL ORNL Lb B Al R.C. Thompson W.L. Templeton B.W. Wacholz R.L. Walters PNL PNL _ DOE/HQ Se DOE/HQ