Comments on "Dose Estimates for Post-Clean-Up use of Enewetak Atol]”
by E. T. Bramlitt
The first major point I will make is that the paper is presented
as though the author just discovered that the suburanics (specifically

137¢5 and 9%Sr) are the major potential dose contributors at the atoll.
This point was clearly made in our initial reports in NVOO-140.


that time we have emphasized that point in interagency meetings, scientific
meetings and publications.

We have emphasized for 5 years that the

transuranics will contribute an extremely small fraction of the total
dose over the next 100 years.
The second major point is that the author. calculates excessive doses

from 137 Cs and9°Sr via coconut consumption because he has based his
calculations on a totally unrealistic diet.
Two examples will highlight my point:


Coconut trees are now planted at 30 foot centers as standard
agricultural practice in the Marshall Islands; Bikini and
Eneu Islands are recent examples.

Based on 30 foot centers

64 cocount trees can be planted per acre.
The total land area at Enewetak Atoll]

is 1760 acres.

that 30 % of the land will now be planted with cocounts.
' probably a high estimate

Assume now
This is

in thatzmuch of the land area on the residence

islands is unavailable; Enewetak Island has a major size runway; beaches
make up a part of the land area; and some islands will never be planted
for logistic reasons.

However, for now we will accept 30 % which leads

to 528 acres being available for coconut.

Therefore the number of

coconut to be planted is:
538 acres x 64 trees = 33,792 coconut trees

Select target paragraph3