


. High Commissioner

after the Marshall Islands Government sends its bill to DOE/PASO. The onl
other anticipated costs relating to Majuro/Kili/Kwajalein/Majuro transport
involve meals authorized for ati Ejit passengers (there were twenty who
finally went to Kilt) plus about 100 Kilians who traveled Majuro/Kili and
about fifty who traveled Kili/Majuro.
1! have requested DOE's Harry Brown
to route through me at Kwajalein all trip costs which are being submitted
to the High Commissioner for payment.

The Dose Assessment Conference -- Presentation of the booklet, ‘The Meanin
of Radiation at Bikini Atoll"',

by Alice Buck in Marshallese and responses

to the questions it generated formed the nucleus of the Dose Assessment Cc

ference October 7 and 8 on Kili at the church.
Gordon Law, however,
fielded questions and offered statements which expanded the meetings beyon

the factual presentation of the DOE/Lab group.
In order to develop the mo
complete version of the two day sessions attended by from about 50 to 150
Bikinians, ! have asked Jonathan Weisgall, Dr. Bill Bair, and Tommy McCraw
to send me copies of their cassettes of the proceedings. What follows is
a consolidation of Judy Knape's and my own handwritten notes. When and if

cassettes are received

| may develop a verbatim transcript

nificantly improve on these summarized exchanges.

if ft would sig

Opening remarks and the presentation began at 2:00 PM October 7. Que
tioning began after about ten pages of the booklet had been presented by
Alice Buck in Marshallese, with slides.
Jibas,senior : [t's very sad to talk about land in the way described on page 10 of
the booklet. The United States should just give me a million dollars. Wh
does Bikini Island have so much radiation when tests were performed elsewhere?
Bil} Robison): Winds carried fallout to Bikini and, to a lesser extent, to Eneu. Th
winds were going east and a little south. The main part of the cloud hit
Bikint Island, but an edge touched Eneu Island.

Can people live on islands which are shown in light pink at page 11
the book?


This will be answered later in the book; j.e., the amount of radiatic
which will be received in these islands would be below current Federal gui

Would you (Robison) consider it safe for you and your family to live

‘B. Robison):

t would have no hesitation because of radiation considerations to liv


I wish the United States and its allies would remove the soil

amment (Woman):


there as a family.

(Bikinian) Bikini, but | see it goes down far, and would not like to see that.


the atoll has been cleaned, my family won't want to go back.

At this point, the presentation continued on until page 18 in the boc
let before further questions were raised.

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