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Office ef the High Commissioner, Saipan

DATE:29 October 1920

: High Commissioner

FROM: TTP? LNO Kwajalein

SUBJECT: Ki]i Dose Assessment Trip ~- October 5-9

(Majuro/Saipan dates used throughout this memo)

Background -- While on Saipan in early September [{ was requested by the
High Commissioner to accompany the U.S. delegation on its dose assess~
ment trip to Kili in early October. That trip resulted from a request

by Bikinians, who had attended the Ujelang Dose Assessment Conference in

September of 1979, for a similar presentation covering Bikinj Atoll.
The following individuals comprised the U.S. delegation:
Hal Hollister-DOE
Bruce Wachholz-DO0E
Tommy McC raw-DOE
Steve Gotlieb-DOE legal counsel
Roger Ray-DOE
Bill Robison-Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
Dr. Bill Bair-Pacific Northwest Laboratory
Reynold deBrum-DOE Maiuro representative
Gordon Law-DO0l

Gary Boehlke-DOI legal counsel (NEPA)
Alice Buck-DOE (translator)

Also accompanying the delegation were Marshal! Islands Government Chief
Secretary Oscar deBrum and aid to the MIG Foreign Affairs Secretary,
Edina] Jorkan. Judy Knape, at the request of Ted Mitchell, and Jeff
Jefferson of the Marshall Islands Atomic Litigation Project as Henchi
Balos' special observer, also accompanied the group.
Cost of Transportation -- The Marshall Islands Government assigned the
Micro Palm as the charter vessel for the trip to Kili. The ship was
in exceptionally clean condition, had just been repainted and was commanded by the redoubtable Captain Moses, in the opinion of most, the
finest sea captain working in the Marshalls. The only mechanical
problem experienced was with the.outboard motor on the Palm's small

boat which malfunctioned as we arrived at Kili, requiring the captain
to borrow a 25 horsepower motor from a Kitian, ‘Captain Samuel''. The
borrowed motor fell off the Palm's small boat during landing efforts
our first day at Kili. Having had his motor fully immersed, Captain
Samuel asked Oscar deBrum for a replacement motor (the life of a motor
is reputedly diminished by one-fourth following a dunking). Additionally,
the three Bikinians who used the Palm's and their own boats to ferry
people on and off Kili requested pay for their labor and $50.00 per
person was fixed upon. The Department of Energy will verify these costs,
pilus the -cost of chartering the Micro Palm,

ta the High Comnissioner

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