In evaluating radiological conditions on Eneu and Bikini Islands,

there are certain other factors which should be taken into account:

Exposure to any radiation is believed to involve some risk

which is proportionally greater as the radiation exposure increases;
therefore, any unnecessary radiation exposures should be avoided and

all exposures kept as low as is reasonably achievable.

The benefits and risks inherent in the Federal guidance are

those applicable to persons living outside of restricted access areas
in the U.S. under normal peacetime operations.


There appear to be difficulties associated with the practicality

and reliability of applying administrative controls over long periods of
time with the intent to limit exposure.
4, The need to apply a safety factor where there are uncertainties
im the predfcted dose estimates, resulted in the use of a factor of 2
in applying Federal guidance to the Enewetak situation.


The marketability for copra produced from coconuts grown on

Rikini and Eneu Islands is questionable at the present time.
There are also nonradiological-factors which have not been considered.
Among these are:



The benefits to be derived by the Bikini people in returning

to thefr Atoll according to their own decisions and preferences.

Resettlement options at locations other than Bikini Atoll.

Select target paragraph3