Because (as discussed below) the Pikini people will have to continue
to live for the next several years on Killi and because there is some

probability that some of them will elect to remain on Killi rather then
relocate themselves on Bikini, some improvements to hous
Sing, community feciliti

and ssricultural resources are in order for that island.

‘These costs are

estimted at approximately $100,000 and are reauired in fiscal year 1970 and

Similarly, the plight of the former Eniwetok people, who heave been

relocated on Ujeleng, requires. attention.

These people were rexoved fron

Enivetok shortly after the removal of the Bikini people and resettled on the’
much smaller Ujelang atoll,

The Defense Department has concluded that netional

security requirements for Fniwetok ere such that return of
not foreseezble,

se people is

The Ujelangese are in urgent need of improved housing, community

, and agricultural resources, 211 of which are currently beyond their:

Their near desperate s
situation is highlighted by the irnoending

end of the Bikini odyssey.

Improvements to the Ujelang community are estinated

to total $80,000 for fiscal years 1970 and 1971.
Tne total resettlement program, including clearing, redevelopment over
a five-year period, end essential improvements to the Killi and Ujelang

communities, is estimated to amount to $2,961,800.
The aiternatives are;


Do nothing now, but let a fev islanders return and reestablish

residence on Bikini in its present condition.
Tnis alternative isijected because of the moral responsibility as well
aS the political, sociglogical and economic need to rehabilitate the islancers.


Select target paragraph3