
To determine the problems and develop estimates of redevelopment cost

the Atomic Energy Commission, the Depertmene of Defence, the Deparcment of
the Interior and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islends conductcd aa onsite survey of Bikini

in late August.

It was agreed that until conditions on

the islands had been inspected no reliable recevelopnent cost estimates could
be projected.

Inasmuch as the President's announcement was not issued until

-mid-August and in view of the time required to survey the islands following

the announcement to develop preliminary cost data, it was not hitherto pocsible
to reflect the Bikini progrem recuirements adequately or eccuretely in the

Pollowing the August-September survey trip the Atomic Energy Cowmission
worked up estimates of the cost of clicsrinsg; the islands of debris and secrud
vegetation and the Trust Territory Geveloped estimtes for replanting, re<Zevelopment end resettiement.

Cleanuy costs ere estimated to be $1 200 000 ean

furthe: estimated thet the cleanup job could be conpleted within a six-month

period efter funds are made available.

Detailed estimates are attached.

Redevelopment costs ere estimated to total $2,781,800 over a five-year period.
The dulk of the redevelopment expense is encountered in the first year of new

Cost data are provided in exhibits a tached to this peper.


progrem planning purposes
the costs have been allocated to seven major cetedorics:

ALOLL Cleanup .eseeccesecececees


Replenting. sso ceeee cence eee


Construction scessccccsccccsccses
AGMINASTLATION. ceccsccccecceaace

815 ,COO
245 ,090

PLANNING . ces cece e cers casscvcves
Grove MAINTENANCE... cece eee a eee |
Resettlement ..cccsseeccccecccace


15 , 000

112 ,0Cd

217 , G00


Select target paragraph3