with any information concerning atomic energy matters
which may be necessary in the development of ae program of
civil defense.
7. Y¥or purposes of this memorandum the following definitions
will obtain:


The term "United States" includes continental United

States and its territories and possessions;

(bd) The term "civil defense" is generally used to denote
the organized activities of the civilian population (1) to

minimize the effects of any enemy action directed against the
United States and (2) to maintain or restore those facilities
and services which are essential to civil life and which are
affected by such enemy action. It does not in general include
internal security or active defense measures, such as aircraft

warning, which, although they may utilise oivilian volunteers,
are a responsibility of the Armed Foroes. However, the extent
to which, if any, and the manner in which, a civil defense

program should in fact cover any such matters, or be related
thereto, are questions which the Office of Civil Defense
Planning, in conjunction with other appropriate agencies,

should consider in the preparation of its program. Similarly,
the term “civil defense" does not in general include matters
having to do with the strategic relooation of industries,
services, government, and economic activities in anticipation
of any future emergency (a responsibility of the National

Seourity Resources Board under subsection 103(c)(6) of the
National Seourity Act of 1947), but the Office of Civil Defense
Plaming will advise the National Seourity Resources Board

of the relation of such matters to a oivil defense program,

and will, to the extent requested, work closely with such
Board (1) in the development of policies and the solution of
problems having to do with strategic relocation, and (2) in
the implementation, where appropriate and when requested by

the Board, of any such policies which may be directly related
to a civil defense program;

(co) The terms “oivil defense program", and "olvil defense
organization", except when specifically modified, respeotively

have reference to an overall program and to an overall
organization for the civil defense of the United States, and
not mrely to the federal aspects thereof.

Foun ef
Jomes Forrestal

4@ 6544


Select target paragraph3