(1) Between a civil defense organization (at the
national, state and local levels) and the military forces
(both regular and reserve);
(2) Between a federal civil defense agency and any
civil defense groups established in the several states
and their subdivisions;
(3) Between a federal civil defense agency and other
agencies of the federal Government which may be concerned

with, or affected by, civil defense activities; and


Between a civil defense organization and non-

governmental organizations which may be concerned with, or

affected by, civil defense activities.


The extent to which the adequate performance of civil

defense tasks in wartime depends upon advance peacetime
preparations therefor, the character of such advance prepara-

tions, and the most appropriate assignment of responsibilities


‘The kind of peacetime civil defense organization which

is best adapted (1) to undertake those civil defense preparations which must be undertaken in advance of any war (as
developed in (f) above), and (2) to be converted, in the event of a

war, into an organisation capable of performing wartime civil
defense tasks (as developed in (c) above);

(h) Peacetime and wartime requirements for personnel for
a civil defense organization, and methods for obtaining and

training such personnel;


The inter-relation of internal security problems and

problems of civil defense, and the extent to which, if any,
such problems could and should be handled through, or in
conjunction with, a civil defense organization.


The Office of Civil Defense Plaming is authorized, in the

performance of the functions herein described, to consult with such

persons within the National Military Establishment as it may wish,
to call upon any agency of the National Military Establishment for

information and assistance which it may require, and to solicit the
help of other individuals or agencies, both governmental and private,

wherever it deems this to be appropriate.

In addition, it is author-

ized to establish such advisory committees as may be necessary to
carry out its duties.


Select target paragraph3