99 STAT. 1784




14, 1986

adequate and whether such conclusions are fuIly supported by the
data. If the party reviewing the data concludes that such conclusions
as to habitability are fully suppcuted by adequate data, the report b
the President of the United States and the tingress shall so state. If
the patiy reviewing the dab concludes that the data are inadequate
to support such conclusions as to habitability or that such conclusions as b habitability are not fully supported by the data, the
Government of the Mamha.11 Islanda shall contmct with an appr~
pnati scienti~t or group of scientists to under@ce a complete sumey
of radiation SJId other effecU of the nuclear testing program relating to the habitability of Rongelap Island. Such sums as are nec-ry
for such survey and repoti cxmceming the restdta thereof and
as ti steps needed to restore the habitability of Ronge]a Island are
b be made available to the Government of J e Marshall
(3) It is the intent of Qmgress that such steps (if any) as are
necessary to restore the habitability of Rongelap Island and return
the Rongelap people ta their homeland will be taken by the United
Staks in consultation with the Government of the Marshall Islands
and, in accordance with ita authority under the Constitution of the
Mamhall Islands, the Rongelap local government council.
Services protidd by
materials. the United States Public Health Service or any other United S~t.es
agency pursuant ta section l(a) of Article XIof the Agm?ement for the
Antep.1781. Implementation
of Section 177 of the @mpact (hertxafter in this
subsection referral to as the “Wtion 177 A.g-reernent”) shall be only
for mwkes b the people of the Atolls of Bikini, Eneweta.k,
by the consequen=
of the
Rongela , and Utnk who were affded
Unitd 1 tates nuclear testing progTam, pursuant to the program
91 Smt.1159. deacribd
in Public Law 9$134 and Public Law 96-205 and their
descendants (and any other pe~ns
identified aa having been so
affected if such identitietion
occum in the manner describd in
such public laws). Nothing in this suktion
shall be construed as
p=judicial b the views or policies of the Government of the Mar*hall Islandsas to the pemcma affded by the consequences of the
United States nuclear testing program.
(2) At the end of the first year after the eff~ve
date of the
and at the end of each year thereafter, the providing
or agencies shall return to the Government of the Marshall
Islan z WY unexpendd funds to be returned b the Fund Manager

(as desmbed in Atiicle I of the Section 177 Agreement) to be covered
into the Fund<ta be available for future use.
(3) The Fund Manager shall retain the funda netumdp${2~o~
Government of the Marshall JsIanda pursuant ta
this subsection, shall invest and man e such fun
of 15 years after the effective date of x e Compac&shd make from


the total amount so retainsd and the proceeds thereof annual
to continue to make paymenta for the
ified in paragraph (1) of this
provision of h~th
sernces as s
subsection to such extent as may R provided in contrati
the Govemrnent of the Marshall Islands and appropriate Unitd
States provide= of such health aern-.
any other
(k) ENJSZUCC)MMUN~ TRusr Furm.-Notwithstandin
revision of law, the Secrets
of the Treasury shall esta %lish on the
of the 3 niti States a fund hafi
the status
L ks of the Twury

ified in Article V of the subsidiary agreement For the i.mpr ementation of Section 177 of the CompacG b be know-n as the

Select target paragraph3