Chapter 3—Containing Underground Nuclear Explosions ¢ 51

radioactive material escaped downthe pipe and then
seeped from the HLOSpipe tunnel into the bypass
tunnel. Subsequently, the tunnel was intentionally
vented so that experimental equipment could be
7. Mighty Oak (April 10, 1986, horizontal tunnel

test, less than 20 kilotons, no unintentional release of
radioactive material.)

During the Mighty Oak test, the closure system
near the working point was over-pressured and
failed. The escaped pressure and temperature caused
both the MAC and the GSACto fail. The toss of the
stemming plug near the working pointleft the tunnel
an open pathway from the cavity. Temperatures and
pressures on the closed TAPS door reached 2,000 °F
and 1,400 poundsper square inch. After 50 seconds,
the center part (approximately 6 feet in diameter) of
the TAPS door broke through. With the closures
removed, the stemming column squeezed out
through the tunnel. Radioactive material leaked
from vesselI, into vessel IT, and into vessel III, where
it was successfully contained. Approximately 85
percentofthe data from the primetest objectives was
recovered, although about $32 million of normally
recoverable and reusable equipment was lost.**
Controlled purging of the tunnel began 12 days after
the test and continued intermittently from April 22
to May 19, when weather conditions were favorable.
A total of 36,000 Ci were released to the atmosphere
during this period.

There have been over 600 underground and 100
aboveground nuclear test explosions at the Nevada
Test Site. With testing continuing at a rate of about
a dozen tests a year, the question of whetherthere
will eventually be no more room to test has been
raised. While such a concern maybe justified for the
most convenient areas under the simplest arrangements, it is not justified for the test area in general.
Using the drill-hole spacing of approximately onehalf the depth of burial, high-yield tests can be
spaced about 1,000 feet apart, and low-yield tests
can be spaced at distances of a few hundred feet.
Consequently, a suitable square mile oftest site may
provide space for up to 25 high-yield tests or over

300 low-yield tests. Even with testing occurring at a

rate of 12 tests a year, the 1,350 square miles oftest
site provide considerable space suitable for testing.
In recent years, attempts have been made to use
space more economically, so that the most convenient locations will remain available. Tests have
traditionally been spaced in only 2-dimensions. It
maybe possible to space tests 3-dimensionally, that
is, with testing located below or aboveearliertests.
Additionally, the test spacing has been mostly for
convenience. If available testing areas become
scarce, it may become possible to test at closer
spacing, Or even to test at the same location as a
Area for horizontal tunnel tests will also be
available for the future. The N-tunnel area has been
extended and has a sizable area for future testing.
P-tunnel, which is used for low-yield effects tests.
has only beenstarted. (See figure 2-4 in ch. 2 of this

report.) Within Rainier and Aqueduct Mesa alone,
there is enough area to continue tunnel tests at a rate
of two a year for at least the next 30 years.
‘Consequently, lack of adequate real estate will not
be a problem for nuclear testing for at least several
more decades.

The ‘‘Tired Mountain Syndrome"’ hypothesis
postulates that repeated testing in Rainier Mesa has
created a ‘‘tired’’ mountain that no longer has the
strength to contain future tests. Support for this
concer has come from the observation of cracks in
the ground on top of the Mesa and from seismological measurements, indicating that large volumes of
rock lose strength during an underground test.
Debate exists, however, over both the inference that
the weakened rock is a danger to containment, and

the premise that large volumes of rock are being
weakened by nuclear testing.

Basic to the concern over tired mountain syndrome is the assumption that weakened rock will
adversely affect containment. As discussed previously, only in an extremesituation, such as detonating an explosion in water-saturated clay, would rock
strength be a factor in contributing to a leak of

radioactive material.*5 For example, manytests have

34Containment and Safety Reviewfor the Mighty Oak Nuclear Weapon Effects Test, U.S. Department of Energy, Nevada Operations Office, NVO-311,

May 1, 1987.

35See earlier section ‘‘Why do nuclear tests remain contained?’’

Select target paragraph3