50 © The Containment of Underground Nuclear Explosions

2. Diagonal Line (November 24, 1971, vertical

shaft test, less than 20 kilotons, radioactivity detected off-site.)
In a sense, the Diagonal Line seep was predicted
by the CEP.Priorto the test, Diagonal Line received
all *‘A’’ categorizations, except from one member

who gaveit a ‘*B.’’2° It was aconclusionofthe panel

that due to the high CO,content, a late-time (hours
or days after detonation) seepage was a high
probability. They did not believe, however, that the
level of radiation would be high enough to be

detectable off-site. Permission to detonate was
requested and granted because the test objectives
were judged to outweigh the risk. Diagonal Line was
conducted in the northern part of Frenchman Fiat.It

is speculated that carbonate material released CO,

gas that forced radioactive material to leak to the
surface. Diagonal Line wasthe last test detonated on
Frenchman Flat.

3. Riola (September 25, 1980, vertical shaft test,
less than 20 kilotons, radioactivity detected off-site.)
Ironically, Riola was originally proposed for a
different location. The Containment Evaluation
Panel, however, did not approve the first location
and so the test was moved. Atits new location, Riola
was characterized by the CEP priorto the test with
8 ‘‘A’’s. Riola exploded with only a small fraction
of the expected yield. A surface collapse occurred
and the failure of a containmentplug resulted in the
release of radioactive material.
4. Agrini (March 31, 1984, vertical shaft test, less
than 20 kilotons, radioactivity detected only onSite.)

The Agrini explosion formed a deep subsidence
crater 60 feet west of the emplacementhole. A small
amount of radioactive material was pushed through
the chimmney by noncondensible gas pressure and
was detected onsite. The containment plan for
Agrini received seven ‘‘A’’s and two ‘*B’’s from the
CEPpriorto the test. The ‘*B’’s were dueto the use
of a new stemming plan.
5. Midas Myth (February 15, 1984, horizontal

tunnel test, less than 20 kilotons, no release of
radioactive material.)

All of the radioactive material produced by the
Midas Myth test was contained within vesselI, with
no release of radioactivity to either the atmosphere
or the tunnel system.It is therefore not considered a
containment failure. Three hours after the test,
however, the cavity collapsed and the chimney
reached the surface forming an unanticipated subsidence crater. Equipmenttrailers were damaged and
personnel were injured (one person later died as a
result of complications from his injuries) when the

collapse crater formed.! Analysis conducted after

the test indicated that the formation of the collapse
crater should have been expected. Shots conducted
on Yucca Flat with the same yield and at the same
depth of burial did, at times, produce surface
collapse craters. In the case of Midas Myth. collapse
was not predicted because there had never been a
collapse crater for a tunnel event and so the analysis
was not madeprior to the accident. After analyzing
the test, the conclusion of the Surface Subsidence
Review Committee was:
That the crater is not an indicanon of some
unusual, anomalous occurrence specific to the U12T 04
emplacement site. Given the normal vananon in
explosion phenomena, along with yield. depth of
burial, and geologic setting, experience indicates an
appreciable chance for the formation of a4 surtace
subsidence crater for Midas Myth.
Prior to the test, the Containment Evaluation

Panel characterized Midas Myth with nine A’'s

6. Misty Rain ( April 6, 1985, honzontal tunnel

test, less than 20 kilotons, no unintenuonal release of
radioactive material.)

Misty Rain is unusual in that it is the only tunnel
test since 1970 that did not have three containment
vessels. In the Misty Rain test, the decision was
made that because the tunnel system was so large. a

vessel II was not needed.3? Despite the lack of a

vessel II, the CEP categorized the containment of
Misty Rain with eight *‘A’’s, and one ’'’B. '*‘ Dunng
the test, an early flow of energy down the HLOS pipe
prevented the complete closure of the MAC doors.
The MAC doors overlapped, but stopped a couple
inches short of full closure. The TAPS door closed
only 20 percent before the deformation trom ground
shock prevented it from closing. A smal! amount of

3!The injuries were due to the physical circumstances of the collapse. There was no radiation exposure.
32The drifts in the tunnel system created over 4 million cubic feet of open volume.
330One CEP memberdid notinitially categorizethetest, after receiving additional information concerningthe test, he categorized the testwithan

A |

Select target paragraph3