38 © The Containment of Underground Nuclear Explosions

Figure 3-2—Minimum Shot Separation for Drill Hole Tests
Ye depth of burial

Yucca flats

Diagram to approximate scale
Scaleillustration of the minimum separation distance (1/2 depth of burial) for vertical drill hole tests. The

depth of burial is based on the maximum credible yield.
SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment, 1989

To confirm the accuracy of the geologic description
and review and evaluate containment considerations, the Survey also attends the host laboratory's
site proposal presentation to the Containment Evaluation Panel.

Oneconsequenceof the Baneberry review was the
restructuring of what was then called the Test
Evaluation Panel. The panel was reorganized and
new members with a wider range of geologic and
hydrologic expertise were added. The new panel was
named ,the Containment Evaluation Panel (CEP);

and their first meeting was held in March, 1971.

The Containment Evaluation Panel presently

consists of a Chairman and up to 11 panel members.

Six of the panel members are representatives from
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Los Alamos
National Laboratory, Defense Nuclear Agency, Sandia National Laboratory, U.S. Geological Survey,
and the Desert ResearchInstitute. An additional3 to
5 members are also included for their expertise in
disciplines related to containment. The chairman of
the panel is appointed by the Manager of Nevada
Operations (Department of Energy), and panel
members are nominated by the memberinstitution
with the concurrenceof the chairman and approval
of the Manager. The panel reports to the Managerof
Nevada Operations.
Practices of the Containment Evaluation Panel
have evolved throughoutthe past 18 years: however,
their purpose, as described by the Containment

Select target paragraph3