Chapter 3—Containing Underground Nuclear Explosions ¢ 37

“‘maximum credible yield’’ that the nuclear device
is thought physically capable of producing, not to

the design yield or mostlikely yield.'¢

Whethera test will be conducted on Pahute Mesa
or Yucca Flat depends on the maximum credible

yield. Yucca Flat is closer to support facilities and

therefore more convenient, while the deep water
table at Pahute Mesa is more economical for large
yield tests that need deep, large diameter emplacementholes. Large yield tests in small diameter holes
(less than 7 feet) can be conducted in Yucca Flat. A
test area may also be chosen to avoid scheduling
conflicts that might result in a test damagingthe hole
or diagnostic equipmentof another nearbytest. Once
the area has been chosen,several candidatesites are
selected based on such features as: proximity to
previous tests or existing drill holes; geologic
features such as faults, depth to basement rock, and
the presence of clays or carbonate materials; and
practical considerations such as proximity to power
lines, roads, etc.
In areas well suited for testing, an additional site
selection restriction is the proximity to previous
tests. For vertical drill hole tests, the minimum shot

separation distance is about one-half the depth of

burial for the new shot (figure 3-2). For shallow
shots, this separation distance allows tests to be
spaced so close together that in some cases, the
surface collapse craters coalesce. The '/2 depth of
burial distance is a convention of convenience,
rather than a criteron for containment.'> It is, for
example, difficult to safely place a drilling rig too
close to an existing collapse crater.
Horizontal tunnel tests are generally spaced with
a minimum shot separation distance of twice the
combined cavity radius plus 100 feet, measured
from the point of detonation (called the ‘‘working
point’’) (figure 3-3). In other words, two tests with

100 foot radius cavities would be separated by 300
feet between cavities, or 500 feet (center to center).
The size of a cavity formed by an explosion is
proportional to the cube rootof the yield and can be

Radius = 55 (yield)'”,
where the radius is measured in feet and the yield in

kilotons. For example, an 8 kiloton explosion would
be expected to produce an underground cavity with

approximately a 110 foot radius. Two such test

explosions would require a minimum separation
distance of 320 feet between cavities or 540 feet
between working points.

Occasionally, a hole or tunnel is found to be
unsuitable for the proposed test. Such a situation,

however, is rare, occurring at a rate of about | out of

25 for a drill hole test and about | out of 15 for a

tunnel test.'© Usually, a particular hole that is found

unacceptable for onetest can be used for anothertest
at a loweryield.

Once the general parameters for a drill-hole have
been selected, the sponsoring laboratory requests a
pre-drill Geologic Data Summary (GDS) from the
U.S. Geological Survey. The GDS is a geologic
interpretation of the area that reviews the three basic
elements: the structures, the rock type, and the water
content. The U.S. Geological Survey looks for
features that have caused containment problems in
the past. Of particular concern is the presence of any
faults that might become pathways forthe release of
radioactive material, and the close location of hard
basementrock that mayreflect the energy created by
the explosion. Review of the rock type checks for
features such as clay content which would indicate
a weak area where it may be difficult for the hole to
remain intact, and the presence of carbonate rock
that could produce CO,. Water content is also
reviewedto predict the amountof steam and H,that
might be produced.If the geology indicates less than
ideal conditions, alternate locations may be suggested that vary from less than a few hundred feet
from the proposedsite to an entirely different area of
the test site.
Whenthe final site location is drilled, data are
collected and evaluated by the sponsoring laboratory. Samples and geophysical logs. including downhole photography, are collected and analyzed. The
U.S. Geological Survey reviews the data, consults
with the laboratory throughout the process, and
reviews the accuracy of the geologic interpretations.

'4In many cases the maximum credibleyield is significantly larger than the expected yield for a nuciear device.
'5As discussed later, testing in previously fractured rock is not considered a containmentrisk in most instances.

'6On three occasions tunnels have been abandoned because of unanticipated conditions such as the discovery of a fault or the presence of too much

Select target paragraph3