see Internatio 31;Commission on,Radiological aS kan eats _“Protect £on % + Aa he VEE BES ac nigoaa ml: Milliliter = 0,001 liters. Maximum“Serhitissibie concentration (of a radionuclide) in air. The average concentration ‘above background of a specific radionuclide to which an individual can be exposedwithout exceeding the guidelines. Maximum permissible concentration (of a radionuclide). in water. (See definition above. ). . : Maximum permissible lung burden. Maximum permissible lung dose. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. Lon. ig) - weare) Reais wo 25 or Ay ; in Le ; % tea » Abbréviation for nanocurie,"which is one- _ billionth O£:acurie,.“ox: 107 9 curie. Abbreviation for picocurie, which is one- millionthof. a ‘microcurie, or 10712 curies. aoe “nt Abbreviation“for Quality Factor, which is assigned on the basis of a number of con- siderations..:fyqualityfactor is a “modi fying*faG@tor-used;“in.calculation of * dose equivalent™which”‘Accounts ‘for differences yas producing’(biological.‘effects, among» : wt aa ‘e: on..le.gee ‘alpha, ‘unit of “(BT “which is 100 ergs/gram-..:‘The ‘rad is”‘a. measure of the energy, imparted ‘to matter“by ionizing ‘yadiation per unit mass of irradiated Material at the place of interest. Radionuclide: A nuclide of an element that is radioactive. iy aan eo OF Rae a:eae x!oieooany eePOA mat rer Rah Bi Py at Ge", 7m mo lA es