ot ENRfF hey efi 2 wate. ot Koi * Fe§ + Seegtaee gepee a eoPd sg Mea okt -: apbsamienstale =e oe _ GLOSSARY e tN ~ e Af: es ok, - ~ BLT we ee wee mo on 2 : ID ow ore Le The absorbed dose of any ionizing radiation is the energy imparted to matter “by ionizing radiation per unit mass of irradiated material at the place of interest. The unit of absorbed dose is the rad. One rad is 100 ergs/gram. Atomic Energy Commission. Abbreviation for curie. The quantity of a radioactive nuclide disintegrating at the rate of 3.7x1010 atoms per second. t.- Abbreviation for” Absorbed Dose. a Abbreviation for Dose Equivalent. Abbreviation for Dose Distribution Factor. A modifying factor used in calculating dose equivalent which accounts for non°°. yniform: disttibution of radiation. The productse absorbed dose ‘D, quality factor (QF), dose distribution factor (DF), and other necessary modifying factors (The dose equivalent is numerically equal to ‘the absorbed dose in rads multiplied by the appropriate modifying factors). The unit of dose equivalent is the ‘rem.' ra Se . os - Environmental Protection Agency.cote, Federal Radiation Council.+.‘The FRC has been ‘abolished, by EPA. f%) 5 and its’ functions taken over kl ae & Abbreviation for gram. ’. Half-life: Time required for a radioactive substance to lose 50 percent of its activity by radioactive decay. Each radionuclide has a unique halflife.