to prevent any unnecessary radiation exposure and this also directly benefits affected


Program accomplishments have benefited science/mankind because we developed
relationships between thyroid dose and health effects from high levels of fallout, we
developed a bioassay program to detect Pu due to exposures which occurred decades ago

or due to long-term protracted exposure at very low levels, and we documented the
development, implementation and dosimetric results of a radiation protection program

following a nuclear weapons accident.

These developments are particularly useful

because thyroid and residual radiation dose modeling supports the DOE effort to assess
fallout exposure in certain parts of the U.S.; the ultra-low level Pu measurement system
would support

a radiation protection program at U.S.

weapons facilities; and the

calibration techniques used over the years in the whole-body counting program illustrate

changes in body-burden assessment practices, Changes important for the protection of
radiation workers.

Carrying forth with new studies may prove beneficial, however, the

basic radiation protection services approach does not give beforehand knowledge of the
future benefits.

The Marshall Islands situation is unique and further scientific inquiry

would be encouraged by the Health Physics Society, United Nations Scientific Committee
on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, National Academy of Sciences Committee on the








Society and other

organizations which deal with questions on radiological health and safety.

Question 7


In general terms, under your 5-year plan, what are the estimated costs (in FY 1985


constant dollars) to DOE/Marshall Islands Government or some other funding entity?
Also include a brief'one paragraph summary of program content for every FY.

Select target paragraph3