Safety and Environmental Protection Division staff. A biographical sketch of the above
people would include unique skills and hundreds of man-years of specialized education,
training and experience. The MIG has nc comparable management or technical staff. The
MIG has no whole-body counting and bioassay facilities.

It will not be feasible to

transfer responsibility for radiological screening or dose assessment in FY 1985.


transfer would have to be between BNL and a comparable organization since it is a

mutual interaction.

Selected representatives of the MIG could be trained to do most of

the work but not by the end of FY 1985. If training began in FY 1984, some elements of
the program could be performed by MIG in FY 19845 if adequate consultation and
equipment were also provided.
The MIG has only recently begun to tackle issues regarding community sanitation,

unemployment, budget deficits, crime, etc.

Although transfer is feasible, in light of

other pressing problems, it is unlikely managment and technical performance of the
radiological safety progam would be sustained by the MIG without first providing them

with an intensive training program.

Question 6
Are there any program components that probably do not or would not directly benefit the

affected peoples but are in your judgment necessary for our government or some other
entity to carry forth for the possible long term benefit to science/mankind?


discuss, and especially indicate what learned institution or society snight agree.
Our investigations at Rongelap and Utirik are aimed at recording significant








malignancy and this is of direct benefit to their health and safety.



The radiation

protection program for the people of Enewetak, Bikini, Rongelap and Utirik is designed

Select target paragraph3