Se car BRYAN H. SMIITHY xc MARINE SURVEYOR S NIVSSELa TOABRAG! ‘ In addition to the above listed eanipment, the vessel is also fitted with: _ Do : ELECT RCNICS . . Sperry, open scale repeater-Part #1881011- bridge ‘ Sperry, Gyropilot- Model ft SGP100-bridge Sperry, non follow up steering Controller-Part #03956- 642384- bridge a Sperry MK-37 Gyrocompass-Serial # 2309, Part #03956- 1884334- 2, port cabin Sperry Transmission unit-Serial # 2309, Part #03956-1887900-1, port cabin . 2." ‘Sperry, Control Unit-Serial #2309-Parl #03956- 1884337-3, port cabin ©: | - Sperry Compensator unit, nat me Serial #2309, Part #03956- 1884337 - 3, port cabin_ Te Sperry Eleetric-Hydrolic drive motor-Part #232-9738, engine room’. Sperry, Solid state amp-Part #03956-1882505, bridge met Radar Seascan MK-2, port bridge, o"‘ Radar Seascan MK-2, starboard bridge ‘ ; Fathometer, Datamarine Pacific, bridge. . . . Fathometer Explorer II recorder, Model HDET25C, bridge “s Sonar, Ccean-Sonics 12KC, office : an Lo : ’“Leran C Morrow, Model #LCA-1950, office '. Loran A Morrow, Model #LAM 850-A, office a CB radio, Johnson Messenger’ 123A, Madel #023F044- 71045, bridgei ‘VHF radio, Bimini Pearce Simpson, Modcl i} 47192655, bridge os .VHE radio, Benmar,; Model #2400, bridye Dove CB Com-phone, Lafayctte-23, Model #058502-0091, bridge| PR a “ Portable VHF transceiver, Pace FM-~152, Model/Serial #04525481, éabin a G a Portable VHF transceiver, ‘Pace FM-152,. Model/Serial- ir P0G600239, cabin . oe : Battery Charger, Pace P5816, Model/Scrial # 065-11859, office * i a - Direction finder, Bendix 3 bands, Model/Serial # 420- 11205, bridge: me th oe) ~FM/AM Multi-band receiver, Sony, Model /Se rial it CRF-5100, “cabin Poo Ree . Portable color TV, aft cabin : -. Portable color TV’ Sears, cabin . VHE transceiver, Raytheon, Model ## Ray- 50A, bridge, .Cmega Navigation system, Madel 400, cabin . Ce Te oe — _ OmegaNavigation recorder, Model 50, cabin — - Loren C, Raytheon; Model Raynor- 6000, cabin | Ly ue fo “Single Sideband radiotelephone, Raytheon, Scrialf# 51164, Model #1275-3B, “capi - Po rtable VUF transceiver, Tempo FMH-2, Serial # _DN- 0821, cabin *. Loran. C automatic Morrow, Model LCA-2950, 1 WAE scanner, SBE GPTI-SCAN, office - + _7 + Serial1 #33326, Oe et aes on a _ NAVIGATIGCN INSTRUMENT & EQUIPMENT . Field plasses 7 x 50, No.'-773135, cabin Field glasses 9 x 63, No. T-20232, bridge “7">" Sextant, Humburg, C-Plath; cabin “Box compass, Dirigo, cabin” ~ Charts Navigational ° “ Navigational publications & books | --NOTE: Value of items 5 & 6 $4000 PORTABLES ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT-- Generator,. Bendix, 1 KW, Model # PG119, Serial i.2008 Gencrator, Pencor AC/DC 3600 RPM, Serial 22235. Generator, Onan A/C, Serial A 773230 6855 Welder, AC/DC, Wisconsin, Model EY27W Sek- Pump, Pacific Marine 3500 rpm, 60 gal. per min, Serial1 #29150. Compressure diving, Keene, Model PCD-10, Serial #ob674. ae Pump high pressure, Sears, Model 390 2554 : : Sl JU bE B20 " -Page Three of Five Pages- . . ces