SEPTEMBER 2, 1975 - 1:00 P.M. MEETING

Oscar DeBrum, Distad
Tony DeBrum, TTPI
Carmen Bigler, Rep. to the Congress of Micronesia
Charles Dominik, Rep. to Congress of Micronesia
Ataji Balos, Rep. to Congress of Micronesia
Larry Edwards, Distad Rep. Ebeye
Lanlin Alik, Distad Rep. Bikini
Nathan Note, Scribe
Anien, Nitijela, Speaker
Ekpap Silk, Nitijela Representative
Jim McAfee, Legislative Counselor
Adjin Paul, Nitijela Representative

Kita Lanin, Nigijela Representative
Thank you Distad DeBrum.
As Mr. DeBrum said I am from the ERDA as is
Kris Morris, what you formerly knew as AEC. Dr. Gudiksen is from Lawrence Livermore
Laboratory and has been an active participant in surveys at both Enewetak and
Bikini including the most recent one at Bikini in June.
About a year ago Mr.

DeBrum asked us,

asked ERDA,

to assist in the review of the

Master Plan for the development of Bikini and very specifically, to comment upon
the proposed locations of new housing features of that community.
In January of this year in a meeting in Anaheim attended by Distad DeBrum and
others from Majuro, we looked over the preliminary Master Plan and asked that
action on that plan be delayed until we could make a new comprehensive survey,
especially of Bikini Island.
Our reason for that was that for the first time
we saw @ plan to build houses on the interior and not on the lagoon, as the
present houses are.

So we felt it was necessary to learn,

to know, more about

the possible radiation levels in the interior before we suggest that plan be
carried out.
We had planned that that comprehensive survey include an aerial survey of all
other islands in the atoll including Bikini and Enyu.
We hoped that that survey would take place starting in about April of this year.
It required that we have aircraft and ships and substantial support from the
Department of Defense.
We planned that and requested that from the Dept. of
Defense but for reasons of interference from other activities it could not be
scheduled to provide this support in time to do this survey as we had hoped to
So we revised our plan and using our research vessel, our LCU, the Liktanur,
which is based at Kwajalein, in June we sent about 25 men to Bikini to conduct a
detailed survey on the ground.
The results of that survey are in two parts.
First, our purpose was to make measurements with instruments right on the ground
of the radiation levels that would be experienced by people on the islands, to
determine if there were places where the radiation levels were too high for the
full time residents and to map that in order to be able to advise on housing
This information was available almost immediately after the survey.

It took us a little while to plot it on maps and interpret that but that information was available quite promptly after our survey in June.

The second type of information we wanted to get, was information about concentrations of radiation in the soil, the plants, vegetables and small animals that
might be a part of the food of people residing on Bikini.
That information will

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