Majuro, Marshall Islands

SEPTEMBER 1, 1975 - 3:00P.M. Meeting




George M. Allen, MLSC
Ataji Balos, Congress of Micronesia
Kristine Morris, ERDA

Roger Ray, ERDA

Paul Gudiksen, LLL

Allen was hostile the moment he entered the room stating he was "goddam" mad

our “senior scientists" didn't come with us.
He followed this with opinions
about "super-grade" federal employees specifically Dr. Biles.

Allen said he and his clients were not competent technically to make a decision
about living on Bikini. |

Allen wanted to know if comparative studies on marine life in the lagoon before

testing at Bikini and now had been done.
Sharks into the lagoon?

Did the pass blown in the reef allow

Allen expressed his concern about the ERDA recommendation not to drink groundwater at Bikini.
He feels that Bikini is far enough north that water could
become a problem for a large community.
We attempted to respond to all of these
subjects, however, Allen was abrupt, rude and interrupted with other topics and



Oscar DeBrum, Distad
Tony DeBrum, Asst.

Harley Earewicker, Dist. Att'y. Majuro
Roger Ray, ERDA

Kristine .Morris, ERDA
Paul Gudiksen, LLL
Essentially this meeting covered same areas as yesterday's meeting.
Roger went over two TWX's

(Reports 1 and 2 from Majuro).

No one had any comments.

We discussed Dr. Conard and a potential problem with misinterpreting his reports
and actions.
One example from Distad DeBrum: He quoted a congress of Micronesia
Fact Finding report which said that people living on Rongelap eating indigenous
foods grown there, have an increase in their "radiation" count.
The numbers mentioned were 30% to 60% higher.
Roger and Paul both said they were unfamiliar with this information.
to be misconstrued.

It seems

A meeting with the Kili Council, Nitijela representatives and Congress of
Micronesia representatives was planned for 1:00 P.M.

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