from around the island.

There are a few barrels by the few houses on Enyu that

had some water in them.

Most of the water does come from the wells.)

We explained that we were trying to be safe and cautious.

The samples had not been

analyzed by LLL yet but they had priority and as soon as the results were available
we would notify the Distad. We pointed out that we found two huge cement catch-

ments filled with water (estimated at as’ much as 50,000 gallons) not far from
where their houses are now.
We suggested they use that water until the Livermore
results are available.

The Bikini group arrived about 2:00 P.M.
They reported that they had been very
well received and everything went smoothly.
The C-54 returned from Enewetak and
we left for Kwajalein.


Select target paragraph3