After we arrived at Enyu island, in the Bikini Atoll via C~54 military charter,

it was decided that there was not enough room in the boat available for all of
us to go to Bikini.
Distad DeBrum, Harley Earwicker, Lanlin Alik and I remained at
Enyu while the rest of the party (Roger Ray, Paul Gudiksen, Tony Debrum, Mr.
and Mrs. George Allen, Reuben Zacharias, Carlton Hawpe and Robert Hazlett)
proceeded to Bikini island.
Approximately 15 people live on Enyu and everyone gathered under a large tree
for our meeting at the request of the Distad.
The Distad called for an invocation.
The meeting was in Marshallese and much more relaxed and caSual than the

meetings on Kili had been.

The Distad told everyone the findings of the June

survey and explained the ERDA recommendations for living on Bikini.
They commented
that they had heard a radio broadcast stating that Bikini was "too hot for
habitation" and they were very concerned.
An Ebeye newspaper also carried false
information concerning the removal of all people at Bikini Atoll.
We explained
that these sources did not contact us or the Distad and we felt that they were
confused rumors and told the people to ignore them.
Shortly after this, the Distad, Harley and I went on a tour of Enyu while the
people discussed the news we had brought and organized questions to ask us.
We returned about an hour later.
Listed below are the Enyu people's questions
and a paraphrase of our answers:
If Bikini is poison then why isn't Enyu? It seems to me that both islands
are poison.
What's the difference in radiation levels between Bikini and Enyu?
We explained that the one test (Bravo 1954) in which a great deal of fallout
landed on Bikini, did not affect Enyu because of the prevailing winds.
assured them that Enyu was absolutely safe.
We explained that the levels of
radiation are different for each island because of the degree of fallout -Enyu received little if any fallout while Bikini received quite a bit.
explained again that Bikini was safe to live on if the recommendations made by
ERDA were followed.

What about marine life?

Again we explained that the marine life was very safe to eat and virtually free
from any levels of radiation.

We've been eating pandanus from Bikini Island.

Are we radioactive?

We explained that the crucial point in eating pandanus or breadfruit grown on

Bikini was if the people ate it as part of their diet for the next 30 years.
We assured them that they were in no danger but recommended that they not eat
any more pandanus from Bikini Island.
How can you say not to drink the ground water here in Enyu?
water we have.
(This is true.

It is all the

There are no cement catchments on Enyu attached to the houses.

The houses are scraps of wood, canvas and corrugated tin that have been salvaged


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