

- Marshall Isiands

If the food on Bikini isn't available and we'll be dependent on food .
from the outside - - - what will we do if we want to eat local foods? How will
we get local foods?

We have a resettlement budget.

or grow food on Enyu.

We can purchase food from other islands

We could pick it up from Kili.

part of the resettlement funding.

This is all considered as

You have also indicated. that ground water on Enyu isn't safe yet.
Bikini is a very dry atoll.
What will we do when we run out of water?
We will respond to your needs as we respond to others in the Marshalls.
Bikini will be no exception.
If well water runs out, we will help.
I want to say a few words. It is unfortunate that we do not have enough
time this morning.
It will take at least a week to get all our questions
I'm appalled at your remarks that such and such is unsafe till we
study it further.
I don't think its appropriate that that statement be made.
If you are sure Bikini is safe then let a few important American families come
and live for five years.
I will give them my land.
There are those who say
return to Bikini now.

I speak from my judgement:

some will return and a great

number will not.
These questions about returning to the island was your desire.
We will
try to help you return with the best safest way possible worked with ERDA,
MLSC, Congress of Micronesia, Nitijela to help you return when you desire.
all want to help.
Agencies work in different ways. No one is forcing you if
you don't desire (to return).
Self help should start at home with you.

What I said yesterday --- we do ask to return to Bikini.

We met until three this morning about whether to return or not.
who wish to return and those who don't.
The feeling may be to return --- but
100 or 200 will not.
Those who wish to risk their lives to go: back can and
there are those of us who will stay.
I don't think that's a proper term to use.
to return if there was danger to their lives.

We wouldn't advise them

If the government were not sure --- yet the government in the past has

agreed there was no danger on Bikini, we could build houses and plant foods on

Bikini and now it is not safe.
a little bit and back in?

How will we live on Bikini?

The coconuts are good on Bikini for copra.
free to use Bikinl.

Go out of the house

You can make copra.


I believe the understanding of the interior of the island will be better
understood if Dr. Gudiksen will explain the tests done on the interior.
It will
be easier to understand if the numbers used at Livermore were presented.

-] 8-

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