can be determined.

When the range of exposures is not known,

the guide is

170 mrem/yr with exposure determined as an average for the population

Both of these standards were developed using the assumption that

there is no threshhold below which one can be certain there is no radiation

The. followup surveillance of the Bikini environment and people is

planned to assure that exposures will be known for both individual adults
and children.
For completeness, there are several additional items that should be

<A question regarding planting coconut in the Peter-Oboe complex.


Questions regarding any restrictions on digging foundations for
houses and whether work crews could drink well water on Bikini


Followup items from the Ad Hoc Committee recommendations relative
to a dietary supplement of powdered milk and removal of soil for
planting pandanus.

Answers to questions in (a) and (b) above were provided in a letter
to High Commissioner Edward Johnson dated June 17,


This guidance

specifies that coconut may be planted in the Peter-Oboe complex except for
the island of Tare (Eneman).

There are no restrictions on digging foundations

on Bikini Island and no radiological restrictions on use of well water on
Bikini Island.

A copy of the letter is provided (Enclosure 13).

The question of the best way to provide a calcium supplement to the
diet for people living in Bikini Atoll that will be acceptable to both


Select target paragraph3