adults and children is under consideration.

We are considering the possibility

of using one or more of several food items, including powdered milk, so as
to give a choice to the people.

We expect to make suggestions on this

followup item before the locally produced pandanus becomes a significant
part of the diet.

Our followup surveys will check on pandanus plantings

to insure that the recommendation of the Ad Hoc Committee regarding soil
removal at pandanus planting sites has been implemented.

The measurements

made and samples analyzed through our periodic surveys will be used as a
basis for recommendations as to the time of rehabilitation of islands out~
side the Bikini-Eneu complex and agricultural redevelopment of islands outside the Bikini Eneu and Peter-Oboe complexes.
In response to the question you raised about the health risks to people
who will return to live on Bikini, the data for such risk assessments are
available in the recent reports of the United Nations

Scientific Committee

on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) and of the U. S. National Academy
of Sciences-National Research Council Committee on the Biological Effects

of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR), which we have enclosed (BEIR report, Enclosure 14).
As you stated in your letter, it is difficult to present to non~technically
oriented people an adequate account of the basis for risk assessment due to
low levels of radiation.

Wewill offer here only calculated risks which are

conservative estimates of the number of cases of genetic defects or malignant
disease that might result from an estimated average radiation dose in a population equivalent in size to the Bikini population.

ee TTR

Select target paragraph3