Mr. William Norwood, representatives of the DOI, DOD and AEC, and members of
the press, arrived at Kili on August 27, 1968.

A meeting was held to

discuss the recent decision and there was a question and answer session
with Mr. Chutaro acting as interpreter.
have been asked periodically.

Questions regarding this meeting

In May of 1970, the details of this visit

were reviewed and a short report containing answers to a number of questions
is provided for your information (Enclosure 6),

In the approach to cleanup and rehabilitation of Bikini, three agencies
made an agreement on responsibilities as follows:

DOD would perform cleanup operations.


DOI would carry out the rehabilitation and resettlement program

including agricultural rehabilitation and construction of housing
and community facilities.

AEC would provide guidance on radiological aspects of these
programs and conduct followup radiological surveys to confirm
exposure estimates and conduct radiological monitoring of personnel
as they returned to work or live at Bikini.


In order to get the cleanup phase started right away, DOD and AEC
provided sufficient interim funding support until additional funds that
were budgeted became available.
Cleanup was a joint effort conducted by DOD and AEC during the period
February to October 1969.

Radiological support for cleanup was provided

by AEC with part coming through a Memorandum of Understanding between AEC
and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


The report by Smith and

Select target paragraph3