The analytical data on the radiological conditions, and information on
the people including their expected life style and diet, were evaluated by
Dr, P. F. Gustafson, then of the AEC Division of Biology and Medicine.
Detailed dose calculations were made for adults and children.

From these

deliberations, radionuclides contributing most to exposures were identified
as were items of diet containing these radionuclides.

The approach to

development of these dose estimates for Bikini was very similar to the approach
in NVO-140, October 1973, which presented the same kind of information for
AEC established an Ad Hoc Committee of eight highly qualified experts
to review the dose estimates and survey results.

These consultants reached

the unanimous conclusion that it would be radiologically safe to allow the
Bikini people to return to their home atoll.

The Committee also recommended

certain cleanup, rehabilitation, and followup actions that have guided
Federal agencies involved.

On August 12, 1968, President Johnson made the

announcement of the decision to allow the former residents of Bikini to
return to their home atoll.

A copy of the announcement of the Ad Hoc Committee's

recommendations and of the President's decision to return the atoll to the
Bikinians is enclosed (Enclosure 5).

This announcement contains a list of

the members of the Ad Hoc committee.
As soon as the announcement was made, the High Commissioner of the
Trust Territory planned a trip to Kili Island to explain what was to be

done and to answer questions.

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The High Commissioner, who was then

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