The sampling medium is a rubber base cement spread on a 13" x 13"
cellulose acetate backing and covered with glassine paper for protection,
For sampling, the glassine is removed and the film attached to a cadmiumplated steel frame having a one foot square opening.
three feet above the ground on a stand,

The frame is held

Each paper is exposed for twenty-

four hours, the sampling being started at 1230 Greenwich Civil Time at each

At the end of the sampling period fresh films are put in place on

spare frames and exchanged with the exposed films.

The exposed films are

stripped off and folded with the gummed sides together into a size suitable
for mailing.

Most sampling stations collect duplicate samples, and the two

samples plus a field data card giving the location, date of sampling, and
weather information are forwarded to the Health and Safety Laboratory.
Sample Preparation

An important point in processing is maintaining identification of the
sample from receipt to the reporting of the analytical results.
purpose a six digit serial number is assigned to each sample.

For this


The first

three digits indicate the day of analysis on a counting house calendar basis,


When the sample envelope is opened, a prenumbered label is placed on


while the last three digits indicate the number of the sample run during that

the data card and the gummed films are placed in steel cans for ashing.
These ashing cans are used as crucibles and are discarded after a single use,
For convenience and speed of operation they are held in groups of ten in a
stainless steel rack and the rack number and position within the rack are
the actual indication of sample number for each can,

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Select target paragraph3