Table 9 presents comparisons ot soil analyses and gummed film estimates
for 17 sites in the United States.

Once again, the model produces low results,

particularly for the 1958 samplings,
It should be noted that the gummed film estimate is high for Albuquerque,

Grand Junction and Salt Lake City in 1955, 1956 and 1957.
timates are high for the first two.

Even the 1958 es~

This has been studied in some detail and

is not considered to be the result of local fallout.

The pot-film comparison

for Salt Lake City in Table 6 shows high film Sstimates even when no local
fallout is present, such as in the spring of 1958.

A possible explanation

is an increased collection efficiency forthe gummed film in dry areas,
may be enhanced by the collection of windblown material by the film.



windblown debris on the soil may later be blown off, while this is not possible with a gummed surface,
Table 10 presents the data available for other soil sampling sites.
The results appear similar to those in previous tables, but the agreement
is better than for U. S. soil sites,

Evaluation of Infinity Gamma Dose Data


There are no data at hand by which the gamma dose calculated from the

gummed film measurements can be checked,

While dosimetric measurements have

been possible at a few locations following relatively high fallout from single



has made some spectrometric measurements on soiis and

computed the gamma dose rate for the vicinity of Chicago,

This is a laborious

process and again, repeated observations over any extended period have not
been reported,



bursts, no direct measurements are available on a continuous basis,

Select target paragraph3