-to justify a monthly summary. in the data tables, we have arbitrarilytaken
the reporting of less than 10 days in the-month to be an insufficient sample.
..As it is desirable to obtain an estimate of cumulative values for comparison
with soil data and to approximate the total deposition where other data are
sacking, missing months have been filled.in by geographic interpolation. In

the arbitrary system selected, the three closest stations are averaged for

before and after the missing month,


These interpolated estimates are marked


geographic interpolation with some weight being given to the months immediately

as such in the summary tables for each station,

Since duplicate films were exposed daily at most of the netwark
stations, there is a considerable body. of data on paired samples at the
same location, .A statistical treatment of the duplicates is planned as an
exercise in methematical statistics, but this project will not be complete

for some time,

It might be noted that visual inspection shows remarkable

agreement for the most part.

This may be taken as an indication that we

are usually dealing with a statistically valid number of particles deposited
on each film,
It is possible to compare results from two stations in the same city

for a few cases, Such data have been tabulated for New York City (Table 1)

and for Tokyo and Durban (Table 2). While it is not necessarily true that
such paired stations will give identical results, they should be close,
The tables indicate a mumber of differences, but the overall agreement is reasonable.

It is not possible te attribute errors individually


to sampling, analysis, or computation,

Select target paragraph3