21 July 86


The U.S. and the RMI sign an agreementon the resettlemet of Enjebi Island.
Under the agreement, the Marshall Islands government requests thie U.S. to monitor
the radiation and other conditions on Enjebi and report back to thé Marshall Islands
government within a year. The U.S. report will address the questi@n of if and when
the U.S. can arrange for the Enjebi people to resettle safely at Enjebi. If Enjebi can
be resettled, the report will explain how the radioactive contaminatign there, including
that from consumption of locally grown food, can be reduced or ntrolled to meet
whole body federal radiation protection standards for the general p pulation. Under
the agreement, if Enjebi can be resettled within 25 years of the en ment of P.L. 99239, the Enjebi Community Trust Fund can be used for communi development.If
Enjebi cannot be resettled within that time, the agreementcalls fo the trust fund to
be used for resettlement elsewhere of the Enjebi people. The RMI r

monitoring, and the DOE agrees that by 20 July 1987 a report wi
The U.S. and the RMI sign an agreement to assure that !a ds on Ejit Island
remain available for use by the people of Bikini until Bikini is restored and
The U.S. and the RMI sign an agreement regarding the imple mentation of U.S.
economic assistance, programs, and services provided in COF. “

Aug 86


H&N and members of the Bikini Planning Council conduct fact-finding visit
to Bikini Atoll to inspect Eneu Island and existing facilities and to d elop preliminary
design concepts for the base facilities and the most cost- efficien way to develop

28 Aug - 13 Sep 86


The BNL medical team on a mission to Kwajalein, Uterik, Mine Ebeye, and
Majuro conducts follow-up examinations of the Marshallese.‘”

5 Sep 86

In the DOE briefings and discussions with the RMI the

Islands medical, environmental,

bioassay, and

logistics suppo


rrent Marshall
programs are

30 Sep 86



Edward T. Lessard of BNL presents "Review of Ma shall islands Fallout
nh conducted to
Studies," which summarizes the various studies that have

determine the level of radiological exposures to the Marshallese.”

Select target paragraph3