2 Aug 85



The PASO issues the Operations Plan, Mission Number 7,1FY 1985, for an

expedition to Enewetak on 7-21 August 1985 by the Marine Science Institute of the

University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB) to study crustacgans through the
University of Hawaii's Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB), funded fy the DOE.“”

5 Aug 85


The PASO issues the Operations Plan, Mission Number 8,]FY 1985, for an

August 1985 trip to Enewetak, Kili, and Majuro as part of BNL’§ urine bioassay
Oct - Nov 85

During the BNL medical team visit to RMI the team make$ its first visit to
Mejato to examine the Rongelapese who moved there in May 1984. The scientists
determine that more children than usual were not maintaining theig position on the
growth charts. After comparing the growth curves with similar|charts of Utirik
children, the team suggests possibility of childhood malnutrition.“”

10 Dec 85

The RMI requests that upon the enactmentof U.S.legislati¢n to implement
the COFA that the DOE continue the radiological health program fdr certain people
of Rongelap and Utirik and USDA continue agriculture and food grograms for the
people of Bikini and Enewetak.‘”

13 Dec 85


Congress passes P.L. 99-239, which includes approval of thq COFA.“

According to Harry Brown of the NV, the major provisions
DOE in the COFAare:
* The payment under subsection 177;

interest to the

+ The provision of special medical care to the exposed peoples qf Rongelap and


Unreimbursed technical and other assistance for the first fivefyears after the

effective date for the agricultural maintenance and food p

Enewetakese and Bikinians and waterborne transportation of agri

to Enewetak;

+ The RMI use of section 177 funds to contract with qualified scigntists to review
DOE data on the habitability of Rongelap;
- A report within a year, upon the request of the RMI, on] the time and
circumstances for resettlement of Enjebi; and
- The U.S. commitmentto restore Bikini Atoll and funding authorifation.“”'


Select target paragraph3