
studies, radiation dose assessment, and a radiological data Hank; and H&N

responsible for general support.‘”'

22 May 85


Because of a fear of lingering contamination, 327 Rongel
move from
Rongelap to Mejato Island, Kwajalein Atoll. Ray states that radiation levels on
Rongelap pose no health problems. McCraw protests that the
did not correct
the erroneous high exposure prediction for the Rongela
in the 1982
Marshallese/English booklet. ‘7 —
20 Jun



Michael Wygant, a DepartmentofState status liaison officerfon Saipan; DOE;
and U.S. military officials visit the Rongela ese on Mejato Island. [he Rongelapese
express their displeasure with Mejato Island. Although the Rongela
publicly state
that their new residence is permanent, the U.S. governmentvisitorg find indications
that this may not be a permanent move.‘”
22 Jul 85




Analyzing the May 1985 Rongelap Atoll evacuation, MdCraw traces the
beginning of the situation to the 8-9 December 1982 meeting at Maj
results of the 1978 survey. At this meeting the Rongelap people
their own decisions regarding the consumption of food. Next BNL Measurements of
whole body exposures in 1982 and 1983 revealed an increase partigly caused by the
increased consumption of food from more contaminated islans at Rongelap.
McCrawbelieves that "this appears to have been a profoundly distg@rbing experience
for some Marshallese and an action that undermines confidence inj DOE and in the
United States Government....The Rongelap people followed the ddvice they were
given, made the judgment not to accept the risk, and left their afoll.". As for the
transfer of the Marshall Islands program to DP, McCraw believes that "DP’s interest
in the program appears to have primarily the altruistic interests offone person who

wanted to change radiological rules used in the Marshalls, rules that were causing

hardships through the loss of contaminated land. EP’s ignoble interpst in transferring
the program to DP was apparently to get rid of a hot potato, an@ had nothing to
do with Safeguard C.”

Aug 85

Reflecting a change in the DOEradiation protection policy, William Vaughan

signs a memorandum that states, "It is DOE policy to follow theg guidance of the

National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCEP) to the fullest

extent practicable....".

Previously radiation standards were deri

from federal

requirements recommendedby the Federal Radiation Council (FRC) and approved by

the President.‘


Select target paragraph3