1 May 79


The RMI inaugurates a parliamentary constitutional government.”

15 May 79


In response to a request by the DO! for a definitive statement by the DOE

on the possibility of returning Bikinians to Eneu Island, Ruth [Clusen, the DOE

assistant secretary for environment, states that a return to Eneu Bland cannot take
place for 20 to 25 years when applying the radiation criteria of 250 mrem/yr per
person used for the Enewetakese.
17 May 79


Roger Ray and Harry Brown meet with President Amata
of the cabinet of the government of the Marshall Islands. They
interest in gaining cooperation from the Tobolar copra plant to replicate the Tobolar
process in a laboratory at LLL. (Tobolar is a Marshallese word that{means "sprouting
coconut.") They also confer about the safety of Eneu as a residentil island, radiation
levels on Bikar and Bokar, thyroid abnormalities on Likiep, and the

islands survey.*?

northern Marshall

21 May



The DO! informs the T.T. that Eneu Island must be placed o limits as a place

of residence for the Bikini people for at least another twenty to

The DOI stresses that the U.S. government must use the same

criteria for the people of Bikini as that used for Enewetak.*?

enty-five years.

diation exposure

4 Jun 79


The Marshall Islands Nijitela (legislature) adopts a resolutiqn requesting

the U.S. government and the UN conduct a radiological survey of the

areas in the Marshall Islands, north of 8° north latitude, including


waters and land

Bll of Namu Atoll,

to determine radioactivity in the area and to carry out medicall examinations to
identify physical disorders which may be attributable to nuclear explosions on Bikini
and Enewetak Atolls.
Aug 79

The DOE, the DOI, and the EPA and their legal counspis agree on the

necessity of determining a U.S. position with respect to the applicability of U.S.

exposure guidance in the Marshall islands, particularly at Enewetak,Jand to determine

the extent to which the U.S. has the authority and responsibility

to enforce this

guidance. The EPA believes that federal guides to radiation protegtion apply to the
Marshall Islands people who want to return to Enewetak, but that, Jn carrying outits
programs, the DOI can allow the possibility of occasional individugl doses in excess

of 0.5 rem/yr if it has a carefully considered reason for doing so.*P


Select target paragraph3