2 Aug 78


liverman, the DOE acting assistant secretary for environment, signs the

Memorandum of Agreement between the Navy, the DOE, and tha

DOI on logistics

support for the aerial radiological survey of the northern Marshall Islands.”
16 Aug 78


After concerns are raised during meetings with the residentq

of Bikini and Kili

Islands, officials of the DOE, representing the U.S. government, agd the T.T. sign a

statement of understanding on moving Bikinians. The DOI [will arrange for
Satisfactory permanentrelocation and will ask the DOE to assure tilat medical needs
of Bikini Island residents are met. The U.S. governmentwill undertake a program for
the permanentrehabilitation of Kili and, following completion of thefaerial survey, will
work with Kili residents to choose other relocation sites. If future sfudies show Eneu
can be safely inhabited, Bikini residents will be allowed to move there. Brief visits
to Bikini will be allowed. Necessary housing, community facilities, 4nd a dock will be
built at Kili. A relocation allowance of $100.72 per person will
given to Bikini
18 Aug 78

P.L. 95-348 appropriates $15 million for the Bikini people

evacuated from

Bikini Atoll-as a result of nuclear tests, of which $12 million is asthorized for the

relocation and resettlement of the Bikini people, and $3 millionJis held in trust
pursuant to the trust agreement in P.L 94-34. The Secretary of fhe Interior must
submit a progress report to Congress on efforts to find a permafient location for
these people by 1 July 1979.”

28 Aug 78


Relocation of Bikini residents to Kili Island begins.*”

Sep 78


The technical phase of the Thirteen Atoll Survey begins.**'

27 Oct 78


The People of Bikini, et al., vs. Robert C. Seamans, Jr., et al.,

¢f October 1975,

is dismissed. Following negotiations with the Department of Justife, the plaintiffs
drop the suit on condition that a more comprehensive radiological sgrvey of Bikini is
conducted and that this survey be extended to ten other atolls and two otherislands.
The Bikini people will select a qualified scientist to work under contract with the DOE
to provide independent analysis of survey data.**

Select target paragraph3