technical staff support and labor for cleanup as well as ... other “fa as determined

by the Project Manager.” In addition, the AEC will determine that "qadiological heaith
and safety requirements are met” at the project’s completion. Althbugh the AEC and

the DOD will each contribute $300,000, the AEC’s “funding Jshall not exceed

$300,000 for the entire project and ... shall not be used to pay dpsts which accrue

subsequent to” 30 June 1969.7”
18 Feb 69

The DOD begins its cleanup of the islands of Bikini and Fneu and projects
that completion will require six months.”

Mar 69


Conard’s survey reveals that "retrospective estimates of thP internal dose to

the thyroids from absorbed radioiodines add 600 to 1400 rem§

to the 175 rad

external dose." Plans are being madeto bring three children and oe adult to BNL.”
20 Mar 69

The AEC Nevada operations office (NV) designates W.JA. Bonnet asits
project officer and F. D. Cluff as radiological safety officer for the Bikini cleanup

operation. Bonnet will administer “all functions" of the H&N Pacific test division in

support of the cleanup effort. Cluff will be responsible for deterrgning whether the
DOD’s pre-operation plans receive AEC radiological health and
safety approval and
for advising and assisting the commanderof JTF-8 in directing the qn-site radiological
program. In addition, DOD and DO! fundswill be available to the


NV through the

1 May 69

The AEC names Conard to conduct the routine medicq! surveys of the

returning Bikinians.™
5 May 69

Because of the “overwhelming concentration” of thyroid
nbdules within the
group of children exposed during Castle Bravo, Conard rules out familial and
environmental factors as possible causes. In addition, he notes fhat the Rongelap
children are "well within ... the latent period for cancer developmant.”””

19 Aug 69

The T.T. high commissioner and Enewetak people’s represergatives amend the
19 November 1956 Agreement in Principle Regarding the Use of Fnewetak Atoll to

give the high commissionerof the T.T. the power to pay out "said Bmounts from the
principal of the trust estate” to beneficiaries.™

Select target paragraph3